Unarmed Self-Defense Courses
Self Defense Instructor Course, Federal Bureau of Prisons, Lackland AFB, TX
Basic and Advanced Crisis Negotiations, San Antonio Police Department
Physical Apprehension and Restraining Techniques (PART) Instructor, Joint Law Enforcement Training Center, Lackland AFB, TX
In violent encounters, especially in close-quarters, time and distance have been compressed and we don’t have time for accessing a firearm. What if you are in a gun-free zone? Your options are limited but not eliminated.
If the class you want to take isn’t on the Calendar, you can request a class for 3 or more participants.
Abductions, muggings, “knockout game” and rape are all types of attacks that occur everyday to ordinary people. Learning how to respond in self-defense during an attack is important and learning how to identify potential threats before the attack is even better. Our courses develop skills in both areas and we also focus time on recovering afterwards to restore with a resilient mindset.
Unarmed Self-Defense
Learning strikes, blocks and escapes is where most programs start and stop. In contrast, we offer a comprehensive program based on years of counter-surveillance and vulnerability assessments (domestic and foreign) in the military and law-enforcement arenas to detect, assess and respond to threats proactively before the encounter forces compromised reactions. An eight-week session comprised of one-hour segments and teaches the skills to detect potential threats, deter aggressors and defend yourself.
GUT CHECK - Unarmed Self-Defense Skills Maintenance
Learning to defend yourself is the first step of the process. Maintaining those skills and preventing atrophy of those vital techniques is a continuous process. We build on previous skills and more importantly we increase the intensity and duration to develop the mindset and physical capability to survive a dangerous encounter. We also incorporate total-failure training, a key to success in a violent situation.