Intermediate Courses
Beginners Courses
Advanced Courses
Credentials; Instructor since 2000
Basic Instructors Course, Lackland AFB TX
Instructor, Joint Law Enforcement Training Center
Chief, Advanced Officer Course
Chief, Basic Officer Course
55,000 firearms students; 10.5 million rounds
NRA Training Counselor
Active Shooter Course, Alamo Area Council of Government (AACOG), TX
Basic SWAT School, AACOG, TX
Advanced SWAT School, AACOG, TX
SWAT Leadership, Texas Tactical Police Officers Association (TTPOA), TX
Defensive Combat Pistol, TTPOA, TX
Intermediate classes build on the knowledge and skills presented in the beginner classes. These classes emphasize gaining proficiency in accuracy , speed, remediation of stoppages, holster work and multiple targets.
If the class you want to take isn’t on the Calendar, you can request a class for 3 or more participants.
Defensive Pistol I
8-hour class (all on the range). You must first take Basic Pistol before you can take this course. This course is designed to increase proficiency as a shooter preparing for a defensive pistol situation and is the first of three defensive pistol courses. Practical skills include remediating stoppages, tactical and emergency reloads, presentation from a holster and drills to improve accuracy and speed in a defensive pistol encounter. $235.
Personal Protection inside the Home
8-hour course (classroom and range). Basic Pistol is a pre-requisite for this class. This course examines legal aspects of self-protection in the home as well as how to create a home defense plan based on a threat and vulnerability assessment. Students receive an NRA certificate. $210.
Active Shooter Defense for Individuals
Active Attacker events are over in less than ten minutes and typically law enforcement takes four minutes to respond. There are many things you can do to survive these events to include how to prepare and identify potential threats and properly respond. $125.
Defensive Carbine I
8-hour class (all on the range). You must first take Basic Rifle before you can take this course. This course is designed to increase proficiency as a shooter preparing for a defensive carbine situation and is the first of three defensive carbine courses and includes methods of setting up a carbine for defensive use. Practical skills include remediating stoppages, tactical and emergency reloads, presentation from a sling and drills to improve accuracy and speed in a defensive carbine encounter. $235.
Security Posture in Everyday Life
Car jackings, jugging, ATM thefts and stalking are all concerns many people have in everyday life but they don’t have the tools to counter and successfully navigate these potentially dangerous situations. These short-courses address these challenges and provide training to navigate these difficult encounters. $125.