Advanced Courses
Beginners Courses
Intermediate Courses
Credentials; Instructor since 2000
Basic Instructors Course, Lackland AFB TX
Instructor, Joint Law Enforcement Training Center
Chief, Advanced Officer Course
Chief, Basic Officer Course
55,000 firearms students; 10.5 million rounds
NRA Training Counselor
Active Shooter Course, Alamo Area Council of Government (AACOG), TX
Basic SWAT School, AACOG, TX
Advanced SWAT School, AACOG, TX
SWAT Leadership, Texas Tactical Police Officers Association (TTPOA), TX
Defensive Combat Pistol, TTPOA, TX
Advanced classes continue to build on the knowledge and skills presented in the basic classes and refined in the intermediate classes, these classes emphasize gaining proficiency in complex and dynamic environments to include obstacles, threat acquisition and decision making during a defensive encounter.
If the class you want to take isn’t on the Calendar, you can request a class for 3 or more participants.
Defensive Pistol II
8-hour class (all on the range). Successful completion of Defensive Pistol I is required for enrollment in Defensive Pistol II. This course is designed to build upon the accuracy and speed from Defensive Pistol I and introduces multiple targets and movement of the defender to the defensive handgun encounter. Transitioning between targets quickly and accurately while the defender moves in order to survive a defensive handgun situation will be taught using various drills to increase the skill set of the defender. $285.
Defensive Carbine II
8-hour class (all on the range). Successful completion of Defensive Pistol I & II in addition to Defensive Carbine I is required for enrollment in Defensive Carbine II. This course is designed to build upon the accuracy and speed from Defensive Pistol I and Defensive Carbine I and introduces multiple targets and movement of the defender to the violent defensive encounter. Transitioning between targets and primary and secondary guns quickly and accurately while the defender moves in order to survive a defensive situation will be taught using various drills to increase the skill set of the defender. $300.
Personal Security for Individuals (and the Family)
Based on decades of providing protective services, this course is designed to bring the same principles used in executive/dignitary protection to the individual to use personally or for protection of their family. Conducting site and route surveillance, gear selection, medical response & survivability, positioning, transitions and time and distance will be covered. $220.
Defensive Pistol III
8-hour class (all on the range). Successful completion of Defensive Pistol II is required for enrollment in Defensive Pistol III. This course builds on the movement, multiple threat and survivability lessons from Defensive Pistol II. Instruction and skills taught in this course include barricades, obstacles, concealment, target discrimination (hostile vs non-hostile) and advanced shooting positions. The culminating event is a complex defensive pistol situation using skills from all three courses. $335.
Defensive Carbine III
8-hour class (all on the range). Successful completion of Defensive Pistol III and Defensive Carbine II are required for enrollment in Defensive Carbine III. This course builds on the movement, multiple threat and survivability lessons from Defensive Carbine II and Defensive Pistol II. Instruction and skills taught in this course include barricades, obstacles, concealment, target discrimination (hostile vs non-hostile) and advanced shooting positions. Dynamic team shooting, communication and mid-range shooting will be covered. The culminating event is a complex carbine and pistol situation using skills from all three courses. $365.
Advanced Citizen defender course